what home means to me.
i moved a lot when i was growing up. a lot. a lot. although it wasn't ideal, it also wasn't a bad thing...we lived in and explored exciting new towns, met fascinating people, had horses in our backyard (something that wasn't possible in corona del mar), and most importantly, i learned to appreciate what it is like to live through a construction zone (important because my house is a constant work in progress).
now that i am older (and actually have a choice), i absolutely detest moving. the second i graduated college i moved into my house here in napa...where i have stayed put for the last 9 years. truth be told, no matter how many times i moved growing up, i am my mother's daughter - a woman who is deeply attached to her house...a woman who in my 20's, instead of partying and playing in the city with my friends, spent every extra penny, nights and weekends fixing, nurturing, loving and relaxing in her house. what i have come to realize is that i am shy by nature and my house is my friend. my best friend. it is where i feel safest. my dogs adore me, if i accidentally kill a plant, it doesn't gossip to the other plants how horrible of a person i am. i can wear mismatched clothes and go a day or four without brushing my hair and still feel pretty. i am truly happiest drinking bubbles while deadheading roses on a friday night (in the summer of course!). i love my home.
when i signed up for pin-it-forward we were asked to do a post on a collection of images that define what home means to us bloggers. and now that i am in the middle of moving out of my beloved home (the new husband isn't as in love with the idea of living in a house that is a constant work in progress - been there, done that), i am finding my definition of home going in a completely different direction. a year ago my definition in words and images would have been based on my physical/brick and mortar surroundings. today, i am finding my definition to be more spiritual/portable. the same things i would grasp onto as we moved from town to town or state to state when i was growing up.
{lovely image via sfgirlbybay via mochatini}
the sound of waves crashing (that thought makes me so happy).
the salty ocean smell in the air (especially when summer is coming).
windblown hair.
suntan lotion.
a fluffy pillow and super comfy bed.
{crisp sheets image via morgan staton's pinboard}
a warm blanket.
{vintage welsh blanket available at pale and interesting}
my dogs - their wagging tails and happy faces.
{elliot on the boat.}
{pablo on our travels to newport beach}
old family recipes.
{elliot on the boat.}
{pablo on our travels to newport beach}
old family recipes.
a good cup of tea.
a camera.
a cozy place to curl up and read a book.
bright colors worn dull.
bare feet.
flowers, lots of flowers - in the garden and all over the house.
{floral arrangement from birch sf.}
{floral arrangement from birch sf.}
dirty hands from gardening all day.
loads of books and magazines (most of which are old and tired and strewn all over the house).
{nice + neat books + magazines via lonnymag)
{nice + neat books + magazines via lonnymag)
memories of our family at the beach... or in utah and colorado in the snow.
memories of summers spent entirely on horseback or in the pool...
heck, even memories of the chores that went with having horses in our backyard (who would have thought i would crave the day i am able to do that again?).
those are some of the things that define home to me...things i can bring with me no matter what house i live in or different place i travel to (and believe me, i do. even on the boat).
so thank you pinterest for this fun project. i have spent the last two month sulking just at the thought of leaving my house and i am now reminded that i can make my home anywhere. happy days in my new home ahead.
xx - nm
Gorgeous pin-it-forward! I's so glad I got to pin it forwad to your blog as I had never been on. LOVELY. I especially love that recipe box ... I'm going to have to hunt that down or try my hand at making it!