
photograph a day FAIL

Less than two weeks in and I have already failed at taking and posting a photograph a day. But, I promise you, it wasn't that I didn't want to pick up my camera... The truth is, that after a crazy few days of shooting and editing, my hard drive decided to crash on me yesterday. Actually, it was my external hard drive... the one that I use to backup my computer and store all of my photos on. The one that if I had to choose between my computer or this little device, I wouldn't think twice about picking the little device. It is my life! And I blame it all on my friend... you know, because I had a conversation with him about his hard drive crashing with ALL of his data on it on Sunday... and I remember telling my husband that I should get another external hard drive to back up my back up soon. I should have known right then and there, mine was doomed.

Anyways, I do have a photograph I want to share in place of yesterday's absence. It is one that I took off of my cousin's facebook page (hope you don't mind megs) from our childhood. Love these memories.

{trouble twins.}


  1. a regular reader delurking to say that i am so sorry about your hard drive crash.

    i have really been enjoying your daily photos + hope this doesn't deter you from carrying on with the project when the time is right.

  2. thank you diane! your comment really means a lot! i promise, i won't give up quite yet. :)
