
drink: santa lucia pinot for $12.99!

i heart bubbles. i heart cab. i heart sancere. i heart syrah. actually i heart vino in general...but my most beloved varietal is hands down pinot noir. particularly williams selyem, el molino, muira, peter michael, siduri + pisoni {just to name a few}. 

unfortunately, i don't drink pinot as much as i would like to...mostly {actually only} because $50+ a night on a bottle of wine isn't in my budget. until today that is, when i fortunately came across a fantastic bottle of santa lucia pinot for only $12.99 at trader joe's! it's not siduri, but it is a great bottle of wine for $12.99. 

i believe they have a limited quantity, so be sure to hurry on over asap.

trader joe's
3654 bel aire plaza, napa

cheers! nm

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